Forks Over Knives Documentary Coming To Atlanta [Film]

  In what is sure to raise a few eyebrows and ruffle a few feathers, a new documentary by the name of Forks Over Knives is set to hit the big screen.  In the vein … Read more →

Watch Robert Kenner; Attend Food, Inc. Mixer With Rogue Apron; Then Make Some Changes

Originally, I was simply going to make this a “follow up” post on Food, Inc., that recently released food-centric documentary.  However, director Robert Kenner recently showed up on the Daily Show and  word has spread … Read more →

More Free Foodie Books (Fast Food Nation And Food, Inc.) [Comment Contest]

Alright ya’ll, while the emails are still coming in from last Friday’s post, I thought I’d do something a little different to get the rest of the books out the door.  All you have to … Read more →

Win Free Copies Of Food, Inc. And Fast Food Nation [Buddhaway]

Alright ladies and germs… it’s time for another little thank you.  This one comes courtesy of the peeps at Magnolia Pictures)!  On the heels of the release of the Food Inc documentary, I’ve scored five … Read more →

Food, Inc. Hits The Dirty South [Film]

Riding the craze that “mass produced food is by default … evil,” a new film has gotten the attention of movie buffs and foodies alike.  Knee deep in both camps, I’ve been following this film … Read more →