Café Soho: Korean Fried Chicken In Philadelphia

For most red-blooded Americans, the acronym KFC necessitates notable attention to one’s senses.  Upon hearing that abbreviation, we being to conjure up an iconic image of an elderly chap with soft skin, a pair of trademark Browline glasses, and a neatly pressed white suit with a black string tie.  Actually, KFC conjures up that or …

A Vote For Tim Is A Vote For Cheese [Cheesemonger Invitational]

Tim Gaddis, popularly known as Tim The Cheeseman, is a tweeting, blogging, socially capable cheese aficionado.  For the past 8-years, he’s cut his cheese over at Star Provisions.  During such time, he has firmly entrenched Star’s cheese shop as the premier cheese shop in Atlanta.  If that alone isn’t prof of his mastery, maybe this …

FAIL Slashfood Best Sandwiches But Rock On Watershed In Decatur!

So thanks to Jimmy for pointing this out to me!  I totally glazed over it in my daily reading. Slashfood is the home to techfoodies.  I myself read it every day (and usually with great attention to detail).  Recently, they asked their readers to name the best sandwich in America.  Well, so long as you …

Foursquare: Dining Out + Social Web + Xbox 360 Achievements = Awesome iPhone App!

Do I have an iPhone? Absolutely not.  Will I ever get one? I seriously doubt it.  Is that something Im proud of? Damn skippy!  That said, foursquare (iTunes page) is a kick ass app that ALMOST makes me want to rethink my stance. What exactly is foursquare? Its a location aware social media tool that …

Woody’s Famous Philadelphia Cheesesteaks Restaurant Review – Midtown, Atlanta, GA

Overall: [rating:2] Philadelphia is the self-proclaimed Cheesesteak Capital.  I’ve traveled to the most well-known spots (Pat’s King of Cheesesteaks and Geno’s Steaks) and I’ve been to each several times over.  Trust me when I say that they are essentially crap on a bun.  You go to those tourist traps for the “experience;” there are better …