Moto’s Homaro Cantu & Ben Roche Talk Sustainable Food Science

When discussions of deconstructed food and molecular gastronomy occur, rarely do concepts like sustainability come to mind.  People (like me), who eat food from the admittedly quirky chefs that make these whacky concoctions, are almost always focused on the hedonistic experience of this type of consumption.  This is obviously not lost on Homaro Cantu and …

Essential Blog Tools For Foodies (And Everyone Else Too)

Even though this website is just a little online food journal, I try to publish blog posts regularly.  Thanks to a handful of blog tools, I’m able to publish content pretty efficiently.  These various software programs have become invaluable assets in my daily life, so I think it’s about time I wrote a guide on …

Angry Birds Cookbook: Say WHAAAAAA?

So yeah, apparently there’s a cookbook for Angry Birds, that ridiculously popular mobile video game.  Officially titled Angry Birds: Bad Piggies’ Egg Recipes, it’s available right now for around $10.  I have absolutely zero idea what could possibly compel a person who plays Angry Birds to want to cook something inspired by the whacky little …

Atlanta’s Scoutmob Now On FourSquare

Scoutmob, the Atlanta-based coupon site, has just joined forces with check-in service FourSquare.  This partnership means that people who use FourSquare’s mobile application (iPhone / Android / Blackberry) can now access Scoutmob’s discounts from within the 4sq app. This isn’t the first time this has happened, as FourSquare currently offers deals from sites like Groupon, …

Turn Your iPhone Into A Food Worthy Camera

For those food bloggers who use an iPhone 4 (or 4s) as their camera, taking good food photographs is one of the biggest challenges you come across.  As it happens, a company by the name of Photojojo is trying to make things easier on you by giving attachable lenses for your iPhone. As the power …

Restaurant Websites: When the Carpet Doesn’t Match The Drapes

I was recently poking around the web when, for no reason in particular, I ended up on the website for Elmyr, a Tex-Mex cantina in Little Five Points.  Even if you’ve never set foot inside of Elmyr, its address in Atlanta’s definitive alternative neighborhood should tell you something.  For those a bit less traveled, L5P …

An Open Letter To Buckhead’s 10 Degrees South

Dear 10 Degrees South, As a highly-trained and well-versed internet technologist, I take great interest in any restaurant’s web presence.  Though it is an oft abused topic – great website development, as with any skilled form of labor, is in short order.  As many will lament, the restaurant and food industry is a wasteland of …

FoodSpotting Darn Done Blowed Up: 1 Million Strong And Growing [Technology]

FoodSpotting (link) is a website/phone app that focuses on dish recommendation above and beyond the typical restaurant review.  Around roughly 18-month, the company announced today that they have seen over 1 million mobile app downloads across all platforms (currently android, iOS, and windows 7). Interestingly, it appears that a good section of people use the …

Do At The View Gets National Attention [Not For Their Food]

Do at the View (as in dough – as in do-re-mi – as in not in pizza dough) is a relatively new Westside pizzeria that hasn’t gotten a ton of attention [at least from those of us interested in the food].  Opened in May, my first visit came during “the dark ages” – aka that …

The Best iPad Food Apps: The Complete Foodie Guide To The iPad [Technology]

I make no bones about my general disdain for a company that embeds personal information into audio files that you purchase (see: Apple).  That said, I know a big thing when I see it … and for better or worse, the iPad is a big thing.  That I have no intention of playing with it …