H+F’s Greg Best: The Role of the Social Chemist

A little ways back, TED.com had a little event here in Atlanta called TEDx.  I’ve talked about Ted.com on here a bunch, so I’ll spare you all the background.  But suffice it to say, TED … Read more →

Moto’s Homaro Cantu & Ben Roche Talk Sustainable Food Science

When discussions of deconstructed food and molecular gastronomy occur, rarely do concepts like sustainability come to mind.  People (like me), who eat food from the admittedly quirky chefs that make these whacky concoctions, are almost … Read more →

Food Is Awesome

In June of 2008, Neil Pasricha launched his 1000 Awesome Things website.  I, along with much of the internet addicted world, was turned onto his site soon thereafter.  The backstory and premise is this: Neil … Read more →

Linton Hopkins on Creativity vs. Chaos [TEDxAtlanta]

I’ve posted videos from TED before.  Short for Technology Entrepreneurship and Design, TED.com is a a treasure trove of goodness with lots of amazing content covering an array of topics.  Luckily for us, food culture … Read more →

Dan Barber On Sustainable Fishing At Ted.com

It’s been a while since I last mentioned Dan Barber, the über talented chef/owner of Blue Hill & Blue Hill Farms.  The first time I brought Dan up on this blog, he was chatting up … Read more →

Sports And Spaghetti Sauce: Malcolm Gladwell And Howard Moskowitz

ESPN.com just published a long article with Bill Simmons and Malcolm Gladwell.  Gladwell, a sociologist by trade, spends a lot of time talking about pop culture and the like.  Seeing that article reminded me of … Read more →

Louise Fresco Talks About Bread On Ted: Food For The Masses

I’m a huge fan of sustainable, farm-to-table ecosystems (and bad rhymes).  But let’s be honest, who isn’t a fan of the movement?  On paper, most everyone is.  However, one of the big problems with the … Read more →

Start Thinking About What You Eat: Ted And Mark Bittman

Seriously people … TED is the best.  I freaking love TED and think TED IS THE GREATEST!!!  Forget YouTube, FunnyorDie.com, or even liveleak.com … TED is where it’s at.  The site is home to some … Read more →

Dan Barber Discusses Humane Foie Gras

Dan Barber is a respected chef.  He’s very big into sustainable food and Blue Hill, his famed restaurant, is actually a part of Blue Hill Farms.  Last year, Barber spoke about Foie Gras, the much … Read more →