Dan Barber Discusses Humane Foie Gras

Dan Barber is a respected chef.  He’s very big into sustainable food and Blue Hill, his famed restaurant, is actually a part of Blue Hill Farms.  Last year, Barber spoke about Foie Gras, the much maligned cuisine that has taken a beating in the press (and for good reason).

His talk appeared on TED, one of the best video sites I have ever visited.  In the talk, Barber discusses the methods of farmer Eduardo Sousa.  It’s a very interesting piece.  For further reading on the topic, checkout this article.  When you are done with all that, you should spend sometime watching the vast number of fantastic speeches that have made their way onto TED.

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  1. Pingback: Dan Barber On Sustainable Fishing At Ted.com | Atlanta Restaurant Reviews | Atlanta Food Blogs | Dining in Atlanta

  2. Pingback: The Foie Gras Battle Continues In Atlanta [Politics] | Atlanta Restaurant Reviews | Atlanta Food Blogs | Dining in Atlanta

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