Atlanta Pizza Days Wraps … But I Bet It’ll Be Back

After eighteen stops, a lot of slices, even more calories, and god knows how much damage to his internal organs, Jimmy over at EatItAtlanta has finally wrapped his Atlanta Pizza Days series.  I make no bones about it, APD inspired the Buddha Tours (my first being the Atlanta Sub & Sandwich Tour).  Luckily, I was able to get in on two of his trips.  While the food at those pit stops sucked something funktastic, it’s been nothing but good times hanging with Jimmy.  Those two meals certainly helped me hone my skills in preparation for my ugly stepchild.

Though I have absolutely no factual basis for the following statement, I am gonna go out on a limb and say that Jimmy will revive the series for a one night only appearance.  Anybody want to guess why I say that?

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