Fat Tire Rolls Into Atlanta At Hop City Beer [New Belgium Beer]

Fat Tire roles into Atlanta … get it? HA! I kill me.  Okay, so bad humor aside, this should be of interest to you who sip the suds.  Three new Belgian beers showed up this afternoon at Hop City Beer.  Though EatItAtlanta walked out with the first picture, I managed to score the first case.  All the more infuriating for Eat It is that I have no intention of drinking any of my haul.

In addition to the Fat Tire, Hop City brought in two other flavors from New Belgium (website).  You’ll find that pale ale, some Mothership Wit, a heiferweisen, and 1554, a black Ale.  Sorry folk, no sixers here … 22oz is the only available size.  A case will run you approximately $42 (including tax). 

Hop City Beer Address & Information:
1000 Marietta St. NW Atlanta, GA 30318 // P: 404.667.0497 // Hop City Website

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  1. According to New Belgium (and reports from my beer drinking mountain bike friends), other sizes of Fat Tire, etc. will be available later this summer.

  2. You misspelled Rolls. It should be Rolls not Roles. Roles are what an actor gets when cast in a play; roll is what a wheel does. FIX IT.

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