Atlanta’s Westside Blowing Up – And The NY Times Knows It

                                                                                                                    (the dining room at Abattoir) In today’s edition of the NYT, Shaila Dewan decided to talk up the burgeoning art scene on the west side of Atlanta.  Despite a few journalistic faux pas, it’s … Read more →

Fat Tire Rolls Into Atlanta At Hop City Beer [New Belgium Beer]

Fat Tire roles into Atlanta … get it? HA! I kill me.  Okay, so bad humor aside, this should be of interest to you who sip the suds.  Three new Belgian beers showed up this … Read more →

Hop City Beer And Wine Opens In The Brickworks … Free Drinks Tomorrow!!!!

Hot on the tails of the newest 5 Seasons location, Hop City Beer is opening in the Brickworks, that new complex over on the West End of the city.  Though I’m not a beer fan … Read more →