Atlanta BBQ Festival Comes To Turner Field: Get Your Barbecue On


Tis the time of year that puts us knee-deep in festivals and restaurant weeks.  Whether you spell it barbecue, barbeque, bar-b-q, or just plain ole BBQ, the Atlanta BBQ Festival seems ripe for a crowd in its inaugural run.  The event, which runs from 10am-6pm on Saturday, September 12th and has over 700 confirmed guests, will take up the green lot in front of Turner Field.  Though you’ll be able to grab some suds, this will be a kid friendly event.  In addition to the barbecue related activities, there will be live music, baseball clinics, and half-price tours of Turner field.  The organizer of this event is one Bob Herndon.  Herndon, who has established the Atlanta BBQ Club (website/twitter), comes backed with a National BBQ Judge certification.

The star of the show, not surprisingly, is going to be the plethora of BBQ contests on tap.  While all the contests offer up cash bling … the coolest prize is most definitely for the “Professional Division.”  The top earner will walk away with $1500 and a contract with Turner Field to sell their BBQ at a Braves game next season.  I’ll be hitting that game up, as well as this event!  Full details are available at the Atlanta BBQ Festival website.

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