Grant Park’s Stella Shuttered In Favor Of Doc Chey’s [Dead pool]

Had I written on Stella Trattoria, you would have seen one of the blistering reviews that I’m known for.  To be honest, I thought I had written it.  Only when I heard that the restaurant is off to the land of restaurants past did I notice the oversight.  Regardless, the Grant Park Italian eatery, who shares a father with Osteria 832, never caught my culinary fancy.  Despite a very memorable meal there (because of the tornado – not the food) and the unabashed love by a dear friend (see … even my closest companions don’t always agree with me), the place just never caught on.

The space is scheduled to go through some renovations and open in February as the equally unimpressive Doc Chey’s.

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  1. Speaking of Doc Chey’s it’s time to put your money where your Twitter/Yelp/FB photo is my friend. That’s right – the Athens Doc Chey is having a sumo wrestling contest!

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