Economic downturn? Apparently not. Case in point: Russian oil magnate Roman Abramovich, who is an economy unto himself, decided that lunch at the famed Nello’s Restaurant in New York’s Upper East Side would be a good time to spend more than most people make in a year.
See that little tiny picture over on the right hand side of this post? Give it a little click. Yeah, that’s a copy of the receipt from the billionaire’s lunch on October 30th. Rumor has it that on top of the $7,328.00 included tip, Abramovich dropped an additional 5G for his servers. Pretty cool to think that you could start a college fund simply by waiting a table during the lunch rush.
Nello’s Restaurant Address & Information
696 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10021 // 212.989.9099 // Nello’s Zagat Page
[via huffington post]
Why do you think Chelski are at the top of the Barclay’s Premiere League table? Go Blues!
Damn. Sending Nello’s my resume in hopes of lightning striking twice.
You know – I just don’t know how to feel about this, but I seem to have 2 overwhelming emotions:
1) Happy for the servers – at least someone is actually benefiting from this ostentatious show of wealth.
2) nausea.
I guess because I have never known this type of wealth, this just baffles me. But I can tell you if I ever do – I certainly hope that I’ll have the common sense to never do something like this. My gosh, to think what one could have done with that money – especially for the service of others……but instead a few people got lunch. That’s just great.