Olmsted & Article 14 : Two New Atlanta Restaurants, One Midtown Location [Openings]

So what we have here is more “coming soon” news in the form of Olmsted and Article 14 (two separate Atlanta restaurants).  To be honest, I can’t stand writing this stuff as it makes me sound like a stodgy journalist … something I’m most definitely not (on either front). Be that as it may, the situation is that these two compadres are getting inserted into Symphony Tower (aka – 1180 Peachtree) in the not too distant future.

A few months back, the biz chronicle broke word that Legacy Restaurant Partners (STATS, Max’s, Glenn’s Kitchen, etc.) planed to open a restaurant in the former Trois space in Midtown.  Seeing as it’s a cavernous “room”(something like 14,000 square feet), it’s not a total surprise to hear that there are two restaurants going in.  There’s a little bit more to be said … so click that little linky thing that says “continue reading” if you fancy yourself curious.

Based on what information is out there (and given that a good portion of the triple decker restaurant space was reworked for the Midtown outpost of Highland Bakery), it appears that Olmsted/Article 14 will have a significant presence on the Peachtree St. level of the building.

I’m not entirely sure how it’s all coming together as there is some fairly confusing stuff that’s been published.  Nevertheless, I am not sure if they will share a single kitchen (expensive build out anyone?).  What I do know is that there’s a heavy push to have Peachtree as a main point of ingress & egress.  Those familiar with Trois might recall that the French eatery had a facing on 14th street.

As for the restaurants themselves … Olmsted is the one I’m most perplexed about.  It’s being positioned by Legacy as a lawyer friendly lunch/brunch only destination.  However, one Hunter Jefferson, a former Alston & Bird-er, seems to have a remarkably similar idea for a space on N. Decatur.  Focusing our attention on Legacy’s concept, it’s pretty clear that Olmsted is hoping to draw heavily from the King & Spalding folks upstairs (as well as the many other lawyers and business peeps in the surrounding blocks).  I’m not exactly sure how they intend to differentiate their brunch service from their lunch offerings – but I’m guessing the former will be weekend only and eggs will be served.

Meanwhile, Article 14 is set to be a lunch and dinner operation.  The words “upscale” and “chef driven” have been tossed about so interpret that as you see fit.  I’ve got less than no clue as to who will be running the kitchen(s), but if I hear anything, I’ll be sure to let y’all know.

Of course, a lot of this would be cleared up if there were anything on the Legacy website about these endeavors.  Sadly, there’s nothing to be found.

[img via wiki]

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  1. Chef Bernard “Bernie” McDonough told me a few weeks ago that he was moving over there from Glenn’s Kitchen. That’s all I know.

  2. When is Hunter opening the olmstead in emory village? I saw a posting that it was leased and would be open by the holidays 2013 which is crazy. That would mean a pre-opening period of almost 2 years!

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