Angry Birds Cookbook: Say WHAAAAAA?

So yeah, apparently there’s a cookbook for Angry Birds, that ridiculously popular mobile video game.  Officially titled Angry Birds: Bad Piggies’ Egg Recipes, it’s available right now for around $10.  I have absolutely zero idea … Read more →

Atlanta’s Scoutmob Now On FourSquare

Scoutmob, the Atlanta-based coupon site, has just joined forces with check-in service FourSquare.  This partnership means that people who use FourSquare’s mobile application (iPhone / Android / Blackberry) can now access Scoutmob’s discounts from within … Read more →

Recipe Organization: A Techie’s Tip Guide

Nearly every home cook I know has a system for organizing their recipes.   Some of my older friends (and a few of the younger one’s as well) use a classic card system.  My mother, for … Read more →

FoodSpotting Darn Done Blowed Up: 1 Million Strong And Growing [Technology]

FoodSpotting (link) is a website/phone app that focuses on dish recommendation above and beyond the typical restaurant review.  Around roughly 18-month, the company announced today that they have seen over 1 million mobile app downloads … Read more →

Seafood Watch And Project FishMap for iPhone/Android [Technology]

Earlier today (technically yesterday by the time you read this), I spent some time reading an article on sustainability and seafood, which prompted me to write this little bit on an associated topic: the Monterey … Read more →

UrbanSpoon Launches Android App [Food + Technology]

While this is a food blog, there is no doubt that the techie in me wants to take every opportunity to drop some nugget of wisdom every once in a blue moon.  Today is just … Read more →

Bad Decision Blocker: Phone Apps For The Drunkard In You [Laugh of The Day]

Though slightly off-topic, we here at Foodie Buddha do recognize the symbiotic relationship between drink and morsel.  Hence, this post!  We all know the feeling.  You’ve had a few too many, you’re either completely elated … Read more →