FoodSpotting Darn Done Blowed Up: 1 Million Strong And Growing [Technology]


FoodSpotting (link) is a website/phone app that focuses on dish recommendation above and beyond the typical restaurant review.  Around roughly 18-month, the company announced today that they have seen over 1 million mobile app downloads across all platforms (currently android, iOS, and windows 7).

Interestingly, it appears that a good section of people use the service simply to provide themselves with a digital paper trail.  I have a hard enough time what I did last night, let alone last week, so in that respect, I use the app heavily.  Same goes for my under the radar use of things like FourSquare and Gowalla.

In addition to making the announcement, the mobile app received a bit of a facelift with a stronger focus on social appeal and brand-friendliness; and, Read Write Web, a technology blog, has a more in depth write-up that covers the history of the company, some notes about their market saturation, and the competitive landscape for these food porn sites.

Don’t have FS yet? Grab a copy from the  android market / apple store / win7 market.

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