Dan Barber On Sustainable Fishing At Ted.com

It’s been a while since I last mentioned Dan Barber, the über talented chef/owner of Blue Hill & Blue Hill Farms.  The first time I brought Dan up on this blog, he was chatting up … Read more →

Saveur Magazine Names Decatur’s Watershed One Of “12 Restaurants That Matter”

Lately, Atlanta and its surrounding cities have gotten a lot of attention in the culinary world.  Well, chalk another one up for the Dirty.  In the April printing, Saveur Magazine has identified Scott Peacock’s Watershed … Read more →

Serenbe Farms In Palmetto, GA Makes A Splash

Farm-to-table and sustainable food are all the buzz the days.  While Blue Hill Farm in New York may get the most press (at least as far as Farm-Restaurants go), Serenbe Farms down in Palmetto continues … Read more →

Dan Barber Discusses Humane Foie Gras

Dan Barber is a respected chef.  He’s very big into sustainable food and Blue Hill, his famed restaurant, is actually a part of Blue Hill Farms.  Last year, Barber spoke about Foie Gras, the much … Read more →