Atlanta’s Scoutmob Now On FourSquare

Scoutmob, the Atlanta-based coupon site, has just joined forces with check-in service FourSquare.  This partnership means that people who use FourSquare’s mobile application (iPhone / Android / Blackberry) can now access Scoutmob’s discounts from within the 4sq app. This isn’t the first time this has happened, as FourSquare currently offers deals from sites like Groupon, …

The IRS Isn’t So Bad: Eat Out And Save 15% Off Your Meal During Tax Time

Though I’ve always found the idea of “buying something on sale in order to save money” to be laughable, buying things at a discounted rate is a good thing.  Enter the “Intown [sic] Restaurant Stimulus” (betcha thought I was talking about the other IRS).  From April 19-23, and again on the 26-30th, a handful of …

Arby’s Makes Groundbreaking Announcement: Free Burgers Through March 9

So it is evident that Arby’s fast food chain puts a ton of money into market research.  Apparently, burgers are the in thing.  To promote the addition of three roastburgers to the Arby’s menu, the wizards of Sandy Springs have decided to give people free samples between now and March 9. The roastburger is just …

Not Yet Tested: Get Half-Price Meals from TV Stations (or so they say)

I don’t know about you, but I have never said to someone: “Hey, call up WSB and see if we can get some discounts for dinner!”  Doesn’t sound reasonable… right?  Well, apparently it isn’t such a bad idea.  While this may be kid tested and mother approved, I have NO idea if this actually works. …