Atlanta’s Scoutmob Now On FourSquare

Scoutmob, the Atlanta-based coupon site, has just joined forces with check-in service FourSquare.  This partnership means that people who use FourSquare’s mobile application (iPhone / Android / Blackberry) can now access Scoutmob’s discounts from within … Read more →

The IRS Isn’t So Bad: Eat Out And Save 15% Off Your Meal During Tax Time

Though I’ve always found the idea of “buying something on sale in order to save money” to be laughable, buying things at a discounted rate is a good thing.  Enter the “Intown [sic] Restaurant Stimulus” … Read more →

Arby’s Makes Groundbreaking Announcement: Free Burgers Through March 9

So it is evident that Arby’s fast food chain puts a ton of money into market research.  Apparently, burgers are the in thing.  To promote the addition of three roastburgers to the Arby’s menu, the … Read more →

Not Yet Tested: Get Half-Price Meals from TV Stations (or so they say)

I don’t know about you, but I have never said to someone: “Hey, call up WSB and see if we can get some discounts for dinner!”  Doesn’t sound reasonable… right?  Well, apparently it isn’t such … Read more →