The IRS Isn’t So Bad: Eat Out And Save 15% Off Your Meal During Tax Time

Though I’ve always found the idea of “buying something on sale in order to save money” to be laughable, buying things at a discounted rate is a good thing.  Enter the “Intown [sic] Restaurant Stimulus” (betcha thought I was talking about the other IRS).  From April 19-23, and again on the 26-30th, a handful of in town Atlanta restaurants are offering up a 15% discount. What’s better, the total based on the pre-tax amount of your bill!  Boo ya!

The event is sponsored by the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau, a nonprofit that has been in our city for almost a century.  The coupon and list of restaurants is available after the jump!

Here are your options:

Now don’t forget to print your coupon (click to enlarge):

irs coupon

Oh yeah: The discount may or may not apply to liquor – it appears that is up to each individual restaurant.

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