Momofuku Ramen Recipe: Damn You Tasty

ramen recipe adapted from David Chang’s Momofuku cookbook This is part 2 of my Momofuku ramen guide.  This post focuses almost exclusively on the cooking process, the ingredients, and the time management aspect to making this ramen, an easy to execute but time intensive dish.  While I strongly suggest you check out part 1 of …

Your Guide To Momofuku Ramen

This is the complete guide to the ramen recipe from David Chang’s Momofuku cookbook.  I’ve split this into a two-part series whereby this part gives you a little background on ramen and some notes and advice on how to best execute Chang’s version.  Also included is a composite grocery list so though you don’t have …

Lucky Peach: David Chang’s Magazine For The Gourmand [Deliciousness]

My couch just became an infinitely cooler hangout spot.  I’m kicking back with the inaugural copy of Lucky Peach, a quarterly publication backed by Momofuku’s David Chang and writer Peter Meehan.  Dude and dudettes … this puppy is da bang. You see, each episode (aka issue) is dedicated to a particular topic.  Thankfully for me (and …

Super Pan Restaurant Review: Top Chef Sandwiches In Poncey-Highland, Atlanta, GA [Food Finds]

If my foodie gauge is correct, Super Pan, a Latin sandwich shop from Hector Santiago, is about to be the latest restaurant to permeate Atlanta’s food chatter.  How long this Pura Vida spin-off manages to last in that conversation will depend entirely on their ability to deliver good, consistent food.  Of course, Santiago’s notability due …

David Chang Of Momofuku Visits David Letterman On Late Show

  Last night, while we some of you were sleeping, David Chang of Momofuku showed up on The Late Show with David Letterman.  It was a promotional bit for Chang’s Momofuku cookbook, which you have to buy!  The bit was pretty funny and full of Letterman’s usual antics (cigarette’s in food anyone?). Chang, who has …

David Chang Of Momofuku Talks With Creative Loafing

Mention the name David Chang to any food craved fan boy (cough … me), and you’ll probably hear a one word response: Love!  The dude just kills it.  His Momofuku restaurant empire is one of the most talked about restaurant groups I can think of.  Meanwhile, his food is just freaking great. Luckily for us, …

Sotohiro Kosugi Rocks Madrid Fusion 2009 And My High School Spanish Teacher Rejoices

The past few months, I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time looking at the Madrid Fusion website.   Well, the event has wrapped and the food scene is abuzz.  Many great American chefs took part in the conference: Grant Achatz, David Chang, Harold McGee, and Jose Andres all made appearances.  Of particular interest to those in …