David Chang Of Momofuku Talks With Creative Loafing

momofuku cookbook Mention the name David Chang to any food craved fan boy (cough … me), and you’ll probably hear a one word response: Love!  The dude just kills it.  His Momofuku restaurant empire is one of the most talked about restaurant groups I can think of.  Meanwhile, his food is just freaking great.

Luckily for us, Creative Loafing’s Besha Rodell, our resident Aussie critic, had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Chang.  On the heels of her jealousy inspiring Changian meal at Lantern, Rodell laid down a pretty quick interview, so there’s no good reason to skip it.  Chang answered questions about his overall badasseness (sic), his incredible book (BUY IT!!!), and our long lost Sotohiro Kosugi (aka Soto).  You may remember that Chang cooked with Soto during Madrid Fusion 2009.

Like I said, go give it a listen!

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