Get Your Butcher On With Todd Mussman & Grindhouse Killer Burgers [Lessons]

I’m starting to think that I should do most of my writing after the witching hour … it’s amazing what you see late at night.  As I ho-hum here and poke around the net, this tweet showed up in my twitter feed.  My goodness, maybe twitter isn’t completely useless.  For those of you who don’t …

Sushi Etiquette: The Right Way To Eat Sushi ~ Cartoon Style

Last week, a friendly reader sent me a link to the snippets article on sushi etiquette.  The article gives us a fun and informative way to learn about the multitude of faux pas prominent in American sushi dining.  Given that it covers everything from ordering to ojigi (bowing), it’s kind of a crash course.  While …

Rathbun’s Farm-To-Table Cooking Class [Video Style]

This past Sunday, Adam and I went to Rathbun’s in Inman Park for their farm-to-table cooking class.  There is a whole lot to say about this as I have about 200 pictures and a notebook full of scribble.  Luckily, the two videos I shot came out half-decent.  While they are nothing close in quality to …

Funghi Fritti From Riccardo Ullio [Recipe]

So the Mushroom Channel is a blog dedicated to all things funghi.  It’s a pretty good read despite it’s lack of diversity.  Yesterday, I noticed they had an interview with Riccardo Ullio, the owner of notable Atlanta restaurants Sotto Sotto, Fritti, Cuerno, and Beleza.  In that interview, Ullio shares with the crowd the method behind …

Stone Ground Grits With Kevin Rathbun On The Today Show

Recently, Atlanta super chef Kevin Rathbun made an appearance over on the Today Show.  He offered to serve up some piping hot grits!  They flashed a recipe up for a short bit.  I’ve posted that recipe after the video!

More On Knife Sharpening

Follow up to How to Sharpen A Knife: A Good Demonstration To be honest the home cook rarely needs to sharpen (once to twice a year for even the most active home cooks) — if they properly care for their knives. I would also recommend leaving the knife sharpening to the professionals (Alton Brown is …

How To Sharpen A Knife: A Good Demonstration

Even though I am not much more than a glorified home cook (if that), I know one indisputable fact: sharp knives are a kitchen essential!  It’s amazing how often people ask me for a lesson (or in fact if I would sharpen their knives for them).  Thankfully, I was smart enough to know better than …