In Search of Feedback: New Rating System

It’s been eons since I’ve doled out any stars (which are about to look like Buddha statues pretty soon anyway *wink*).  There are a myriad of reasons why I haven’t rated any place recently but I’ll spare you the reasons why that happens to be the case.  The point is – the system right now …

Thinking, Learning, & Loving Food

The farther down this road I go, the more and more I realize how important the education process is.  As such, I’ve added a new page.  It’s called Lessons In Food.  It’s ridiculously thin right now, but I promise it will get some serious love moving forward.  I’m not entirely sure where the format will …

Site Status Notation

Hey ya’ll.  Getting ready to throw down a review for everyone … in the meantime, I just wanted to mention something.  My hosting company is totally freaking incompetent having some difficulties right now (even though they don’t want to admit it).  So please bare with me as I try and get things straightened out.  In …

On The Move; Be Back In A Jiffy

I know, I should have another Inside The Chef’s Kitchen post ready to roll.  Unfortunately, things have been über busy here at Casa De Buddha.  I’m about to hit the road for a very long drive, so hopefully there’s enough of a backlog to keep y’all busy for just a bit.  Be back soon, hopefully …

The Dirty List Rides Again

Many moons ago, I had a little feature called “The Dirty List.”  Every month, I put up a Google map that showed where all the “just around the corner” restaurants were to be located.  Somehow, it just slipped through the cracks and hasn’t been seen since last April. Well, I’ve decided it’s time to bring …

And It All Started So Quietly …

After 365 Days, 627 Posts, and 1,055 comments … I’m just amazed that we’re here.  What started so innocuously (with just a little note), has turned into a daily part of my life.  I’ve met some very cool people and had a lot of great meals.  As little side projects go, this has been one …