Perrine’s Wine Shop Lays The Smack Down

It’s a bright and sunny day in Atlanta’s Westside Provision District.  The late August breeze lends itself well to the sleek White Provision complex and its many foot-bound visitors.  I have just stepped inside a large room lined with two walls of wine, a cheese and charcuterie case, and even some skin products (seriously).  Slinking …

Wine By Perrine Wine Shop Coming To The Westside [Openings]

Perrine Prieur, the former sommelier from Joel, is set to open her eponymous Wine By Perrine Wine Shop in the not to distant future.  As it stands, the boutique is slated to open in the White Provision complex on the Westside.  For those familiar with the area, Wine By Perrine will be sandwiched between the …

Yeah! Burger Restaurant Review – Westside, Atlanta, GA [First Impressions]

Well Atlanta, are you looking for another burger joint? [Insert Rhetorical Answer], because it turns out the heavens have opened and one Shaun Doty has stepped down with his excitement imploring Yeah! Burger.  Planted firmly on the Westside in the bursting at the seems White Provision Development, Yeah Burger is hoping to capitalize on that …

The West Egg Cafe Adds Dinner Service

  The West Egg, that popular Westside Atlanta breakfast joint, is now doing dinner.  Having moved just a short while ago into fancy new digs, the restaurant has decided to expand their hours of operation.  (They’re just a hop skip and jump away from their old location).  The restaurant is now open from 7am-10pm Monday thru …

Shaun Doty To Open Good Burger In The Westside [Openings]

It’s amazing what you miss with a few days out of town.  Posted over on the Biz C site, and reiterated by the venerable JK, Atlanta’s own Shaun Doty is ready to hop on the burger trend that is frankly … a little tired by now.  That’s not a harshing on Shaun, he should give …

Ormsby’s: Coming Soon To A Westside Near You [Openings]

Those of you who are New York imports, well-traveled globe trotters, or avid foodies will know the name Milk & Honey.  With locations in NYC and London, the membership suggested cocktail lounge is highly regarded as the anti-trend.  To put it another way: while name dropping and starfucking can go a long way in certain …