Take A Gander At The Other Atlanta Wine Blogger

Though you may not know it, Atlanta is home to more than one blog that focuses on wine.  With all the love being doled out over my good buddy HW, I thought it might be a good time to point ya’ll in another direction.  After all, we’ve lost the aforementioned for at least the next six-months.  Enter Ed Thralls, the grape taster behind Wine Tonite.

Launched just about a year ago, WineTonite.com exists to “educate each other in the basic characteristics and styles of wine as well as the social aspect (i.e. tastings, dinners, visiting wineries, wine clubs, etc.) of wine by sharing stories and knowledge as average, everyday wine drinkers like you.”  I particularly find Thralls’ focus on value wines to be a big plus.  After all, the idea that you have to spend over $20 on a bottle just to find something tasty has always bothered me.

While his style is a bit more restrained than Wallace’s, it doesn’t mean Thralls opinion is any less valuable.  So head on over and spend some time reading up.  If you are a facebooker, you may want to check out the Wine Tonite Facebook page.

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1 Comment

  1. Thanks for the shout out!! The ATL is a great community to talk and learn about wine and food and it’s been a great experience for me as I approach my anniversary for the blog. Yes, probably a bit more restrained than HW, but I have my moments ; )


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