What’s In Store ….

A little busy/tired today – so here’s a sneak peek of some notations I’ll be making in the next few days.

Early this week, I made it over to La Pietra Cucina for the first time in a month or so.  After hitting it up nearly 2x a week for a few months, it was a much needed fix.  Chef Bruce Logue is still putting out some of the best food in the city, while the service and decor are still not up to snuff.

Hankook Taqueria has gotten some good attention and several people have already chatted this place up.  After learning about it yesterday, Sparkplug and I decided to forgo our lunch date at Abattoir and hit up this new Korean taqueria.

Speaking of Abattoir, I hit that up again last night. After another mediocre experience at Bocado, we elected to go grab some drinks and snacks at the slaughterhouse.  The chicharones where massive and delicious … the confit of mushrooms was a straightforward and simple delivery.  The red wine reduction was top notch and the Star Provisions sourced bread was freakin’ sweet!

Yeah, after several meals at Bocado, I’m just not impressed.  There’s potential, no doubt, but as it stands … this is a ho-hum, nice addition to the area.  I’ll drop in over the weekend for a few quick hits/updates on the places.

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