Julia Child Remix: The Rapping Cooking Video

So Julia Child, the now defunct Grand Dame of all things cookery, has a new music video out.  Despite hitting the century mark tomorrow (August 15th), she remains incredibly spry for a dead lady. Witness: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80ZrUI7RNfI&rel=0] So take that Tupac, because if you’re going to come back from the grave, forget those silly NOT holograms …

Bad Ass Blind Foodies: Food Criticism Like You’ve Never Seen

Here’s a little video from Tommy Edison, a blind guy who shows us once again that blind people really don’t have the limitations many think they do! I know a lot of people that say they can’t cook … tell me that after watching him cook! #Respect [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umiOuVA7PEc?rel=0] But wait … there’s more!

Angry Birds Cookbook: Say WHAAAAAA?

So yeah, apparently there’s a cookbook for Angry Birds, that ridiculously popular mobile video game.  Officially titled Angry Birds: Bad Piggies’ Egg Recipes, it’s available right now for around $10.  I have absolutely zero idea what could possibly compel a person who plays Angry Birds to want to cook something inspired by the whacky little …

Recipe Organization: A Techie’s Tip Guide

Nearly every home cook I know has a system for organizing their recipes.   Some of my older friends (and a few of the younger one’s as well) use a classic card system.  My mother, for example, has this little open top card box stuffed to the gills with all sorts of recipes.  Some of my …

Momofuku Ramen Recipe: Damn You Tasty

ramen recipe adapted from David Chang’s Momofuku cookbook This is part 2 of my Momofuku ramen guide.  This post focuses almost exclusively on the cooking process, the ingredients, and the time management aspect to making this ramen, an easy to execute but time intensive dish.  While I strongly suggest you check out part 1 of …

Your Guide To Momofuku Ramen

This is the complete guide to the ramen recipe from David Chang’s Momofuku cookbook.  I’ve split this into a two-part series whereby this part gives you a little background on ramen and some notes and advice on how to best execute Chang’s version.  Also included is a composite grocery list so though you don’t have …

Make Your McRib Fancy

image courtesy of FancyFastFood.com McDonald’s decision to bring back the McRib has absolutely inundated food news over the past few days.  Even mainstream media lamed things up with their coverage and there has been a surge of new “make your own McRib” posts going up.  So why did I jump on the band wagon? B/c …

21 Club Caesar Salad [Recipe]

Caesar Salad recipe adapted from The “21” Cookbook (buy on Amazon) Caesar dressing recipes are as ubiquitous as any.  Everyone has their way of doing it and many will debate the merits of one version over another.  For the record – I do fall in the pro anchovies camp.  I’ve sampled a wide number of …

Bacon Pancakes [Recipes]

I hate bacon.  I don’t really mean bacon itself, rather … I hate what has become of bacon.  It’s everywhere and it’s Benton’s fault!  Still, when I found this recipe for bacon strip pancakes, I knew I had to make them!  So while y’all are reading this, I’ll be making this! To be honest, had …

Recipe View: Google For The Home Cook [Home Cooking]

  Though it’s not yet active (but will be shortly), Google Inc. just announced a new recipe feature for those of us that like to sling pots and pans around our kitchens.  This “recipe view” will be accessible via the left sidebar that appears on a Google search results page or via the recipe view …