Moto’s Homaro Cantu & Ben Roche Talk Sustainable Food Science

When discussions of deconstructed food and molecular gastronomy occur, rarely do concepts like sustainability come to mind.  People (like me), who eat food from the admittedly quirky chefs that make these whacky concoctions, are almost … Read more →

SAAM at The Bazaar: A Seminal Meal

For me, SAAM at The Bazaar, the intimately tranquil private chef’s tasting room hidden within The SLS Hotel Beverly Hills, has long been an “I want to go to there” restaurant.  It’s one of several … Read more →

Wylie Dufresne Loves His Balls Covered With Cookies – Liquid Nitrogen And Ice Cream Make Fun

When you strip away the fame and the talent, Wylie Dufresne is really just another boy with his toys.  Of course, it just so happens that Wylie is talented, famous, and really good with his … Read more →

Herve This Launches His Molecular Gastronomy Website

Hervé This is the man who took science and applied it to food.  The easiest way to explain him to the local folk is like this: No Hervé This means no Richard Blais.  As the … Read more →

A Little On Molecular Cooking (AKA Molecular Gastronomy)

From Hervé This to Ferran Adrià to our own Richard Blais, science in the kitchen is all the rage.  Though molecular cooking finds its’ roots in molecular gastronomy, the two phrases have become synonymous with … Read more →

Tokyo Taste 2009 – Another Exciting Out Of Town Event

I love to hear about all the international conventions going on!  I am never able to attend, so I basically get the neener-neener feeling by simply visiting the website of the offending event!  That said, … Read more →

Hervé This Deflates A Myth: Salt Does Not Dissolve in Oil

No, the title of this post is not some grammatical bastardization of the English language.  Hervé This is a person, and an important person at that – especially in the world of foodies.  A French … Read more →