Mission Chinese: Flirting with Danny Bowien

It’s not unreasonable to say that San Francisco’s Mission Chinese is currently the most buzzed about Chinese restaurant in the entire country.  Seriously!  Head cookmeister Danny Bowien has taken a dumpy, otherwise un-notable Chinese eatery, … Read more →

A Little Bit On Anonymity In Food [Part 2]

So after yesterday’s post during which I took the opportunity to question restaurants, restaurateurs, and chefs motives and decisions to out anonymous folks, it’s only fair that we discuss the impact on the average diner, … Read more →

A Little Bit On Anonymity In Food [Part 1]

The debate between those who wish to remain anonymous (like me) and those hell bent on exposing us rages on.  Seemingly everyday, more and more anonymous journalists, critics, and bloggers are being ousted from their … Read more →

Feast Noir: Atlanta’s First Rogue Supper Club

Call it a flash mob or perhaps an underground supper club. Whatever the term du jour, Feast Noir (website) is/was a type of gorilla warfare meets civilized tea time under admittedly friendly circumstances.  The Atlanta … Read more →

Green Eggs and Ham(burgers)

John T. Edge has been showing up all over the place lately (and quite a bit in my twitter feed).  The guy just rocks it.  Just a short time ago, Edge’s article on Atlanta’s own … Read more →

Top Chef DC: Restaurant Wars – What Was That Ingredient? [Buddhacation]

“Restaurant Wars” is almost always the most popular episode during any given season of Top Chef.  Though the bar has been set remarkably low throughout Top Chef DC, I’m pretty sure that last night’s episode … Read more →

Hankook Taqueria And Korean Tacos Get Mainstream Love

Just a few days ago, I stepped back into Hankook Taqueria and had a fairly flat experience.  I’m actually working on that post as we speak.  However, owner Tomas Lee just got a whole heck … Read more →

Empire State South By Hugh Acheson Sets Sail In April [Openings]

Georgia has long been unofficially known as the Empire State of the South.  Now, it looks like we’re finally ready to make that official (at least in the restaurant world).  Empire State South is set … Read more →

B.O.’s Fish Wagon Restaurant Review – Key West, FL [Out Of Town]

You don’t go to China to enjoy great pizza (though I’m sure it can be found somewhere in the Middle Kingdom).  Similarly, you don’t go to Florida for good Tex-Mex.  No, if you find yourself … Read more →

Atlanta’s Westside Blowing Up – And The NY Times Knows It

                                                                                                                    (the dining room at Abattoir) In today’s edition of the NYT, Shaila Dewan decided to talk up the burgeoning art scene on the west side of Atlanta.  Despite a few journalistic faux pas, it’s … Read more →