Krispy Kreme Inauguration Day Giveaway, Freedom of Choice = Free Doughnuts

So I’m on a roll today, and thought I’d throw one more post up before I hit the town.  In a recent press release, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts announced that on inauguration day (that’s Tuesday January 20, 2009), every shop in the country is giving away a free taste of round deliciousness.  While this won’t sway my vote for best doughnuts in the Dirty (that still goes to Sublime Doughnuts), this is one hell of a deal.

Regardless of who got your vote this past election, this is one of those feel good promotions that nobody should have a problem with [word through the grapevine is that there are protests … I’m not kidding].

My message to you:  Forget your political alliances and go get a doughnut!

And here’s a google map that will help you find your nearest Krispy Kreme storefront!

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