King of Pops + Sublime Doughnuts Together At Last

I was bored … and when I get bored, I come up with stupid ideas.  Lots and lots of stupid ideas.  Thankfully, my latest illicit concept actually came together alright.  Ladies and gentlemen, introducing my latest “I have too much time on my hands.”  What you have up there is a banana pudding popsicle courtesy …

Sublime Doughnuts Meets Ice Cream Parlor

I wait for the day when Sublime Doughnuts starts getting lines out the door like it deserves.  In the meantime, I can resign myself comfortably to the fact that I am able to navigate the doughnut list at my leisure without fear of being rushed.  While I was in there a few days back, I …

The Suicide Doughnut [Deliciousness]

Saw this awesome suicide doughnut from my favoritest, bestest, craviest doughnut dude … Kamal Grant of Sublime Doughnuts. This round mound of doughnut down contains Bavarian crème, butter toffee, vanilla crème, strawberries, Reese’s cup, raspberry, powdered sugar, peanut butter, marsh mellow, Oreo, coconut, and Butterfinger!  I feel a doughnut rap coming on! Oh and for …

Sublime Doughnuts Hits Adult Swim Bumpers [Mmm … Doughnuts]

We all know that Sublime Doughnuts is the bestest doughnut shop in the ATL!  Now, thanks to the Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim team … the whole world knows it! WITNESS: Oh yeah … Bakeshop has left Concentrics Restaurants!  Don’t believe me? Well, I said it on twitter, so it must be true! Technorati Tags: sublime …

Atlanta Sweeteries All Over Food & Wine Magazine In September

One of the strange little developments of these here internets is the propensity for print content to show up online before it shows up in the stores.  Next month’s issue of Food & Wine Magazine is no exception.  It features a little ditty on boutique outfits that pump out good grub.  Two Atlantans are featured, …

Sublime Doughnuts Gets A Digital Facelift (AKA New Website)

Doesn’t that doughnut look good?  It’s a Reese’s doughnut from Sublime Doughnuts in Midtown.  Now Sublime looks as good on paper (or in this case … the computer screen) as it does in person.  You see, I got a nice little surprise when I dropped in on the Sublime Doughnuts website just a few minutes …

Atlanta’s Westside Blowing Up – And The NY Times Knows It

                                                                                                                    (the dining room at Abattoir) In today’s edition of the NYT, Shaila Dewan decided to talk up the burgeoning art scene on the west side of Atlanta.  Despite a few journalistic faux pas, it’s a nice summary piece on the neighborhood.  What’s especially neat for us foodies is that Dewan took the time to …

Krispy Kreme Inauguration Day Giveaway, Freedom of Choice = Free Doughnuts

So I’m on a roll today, and thought I’d throw one more post up before I hit the town.  In a recent press release, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts announced that on inauguration day (that’s Tuesday January 20, 2009), every shop in the country is giving away a free taste of round deliciousness.  While this won’t sway …