Midtown’s Chocolate Pink Shutters Its Doors [Dead Pool]

Chocolate Pink, a Midtown dessert shop, is closing its doors after roughly 5-years in the game.  It’s not a complete shock as that strip of businesses has seen more than a few restaurants go by the wayside.  No word yet on what’s up with the proprietors or the space. After five and a half years …

Three On The Tree Frozen Yogurt– Sandy Springs, Atlanta, GA [First Impressions]

When most people in Atlanta hear the name Clay Harper, they think of the Mexi-Za restaurant duet of La Fonda and Fellini’s.  As chance would have it, we fine folk now have a whole other reason to get to know Harper. Back in July, word broke that he was adding a third endeavor to his …

Giant Octopus Cake: 200LBs Of Edible Art [Molluscs]

So in my spare time, I like to browse the internet.  Shocking, I Know.  Well, during a little R&D, I came across this this monstrosity on flickr!  That’s right folks, it’s 200lbs of edible octopus.  As shocked as I was to see it, I was more surprised when I realized that it comes courtesy of …

Orleagian Snowballs: Bouncing Here And There And Everywhere [Street Food]

Gummy Bears!  You know them, you love them, and you still eat them.  Their TV show rocked mad musical beats, and all you want to do is pop them like the pills.  But why eat them straight out ‘the package when you can dunk them in a vat of frozen deliciousness? Yes, at Orleagian Snowballs …

Atlanta Sweeteries All Over Food & Wine Magazine In September

One of the strange little developments of these here internets is the propensity for print content to show up online before it shows up in the stores.  Next month’s issue of Food & Wine Magazine is no exception.  It features a little ditty on boutique outfits that pump out good grub.  Two Atlantans are featured, …

One Cafe And Yoeshi (Probably) Set To Open In Downtown Atlanta [Openings]

Two establishments, one building, and one curious story.  That’s the deal with two new eateries going in at Renaissance Walk, a struggling (aka foreclosed) downtown condominium complex just a few steps from Georgia State.  One Café and Yoeshi are siblings spots that have been in production for quite sometime.  If recent grumblings (spurred by self-promotion) …

Magnolia Bread Company Brings The Green Van Food Truck To Atlanta [Reader Tip]

My readers are full of great info! Dianne Reinhardt and the folks behind the Magnolia Bread Company (website) have decided to launch their own food truck!  Aptly named “The Green Van,” the just launched website is chock full of good tidbits. The truck will feature a short and sweet selection of sandwiches, seasonal salads, and …

Morelli’s Ice Cream In East Atlanta: Get Your Kiss On [Quick Hits]

Sorry for the dearth of posts lately.  I had family in from out of town; thus, my free time was pretty much usurped the past five days.  Luckily, we got in a couple of noteworthy food stops … no small feat with my little brother – the kid has a seriously restricted palate.  What the …

Free Mini Brownies At Godiva Chocolatier In Atlanta: Stupid But Free

I’m a little late with the news on this, so I do apologize.  Between now and the 12th of March, all Godiva Chocolatier locations are serving up one free mini brownie to all visitors.  The catch?  You have to tell them what you would like to see dipped in chocolate.  A pretty stupid requirement, but …