Atlanta Cooking Classes: Eggrolls N’ Sweet Tea

I recently received an email from one Natalie Keng in which she announced an upcoming, two-part culinary adventure.  Natalie, accompanied by her mother Margaret, offers these educational experiences from time to time.  This is not a traditional cooking class; rather, you will have the opportunity to learn through lecture.  However, this does not sound like some boring oration as the class includes a field trip.

The sessions, which take place the last week of March, are offered through the Evening at Emory program.   The class will incorporate classic Chinese dishes along with elements of Southern cuisine.  While I don’t know Natalie, she was delightful to speak with over email.  Full details and a link to the flier after the jump:

“Eggrolls n’ Sweet Tea”  Asian Market Fieldtrip, Class & Tasting

Join Chinese Southern Belles, Natalie and Margaret Keng, for a fun, hands-on, palate-pleasing course celebrating food, family & culture! This mother/daughter team combines a unique Chinese & Southern heritage to help you demystify the Asian grocery store; prepare classic and fusion meals using local market ingredients with express & healthy tips, plus how to order at local restaurants.

Dates: 2 days —Thursday class 3/26/09, 7:00-8:30 pm & Saturday Asian Market Fieldtrip & Teaching Lunch, 3/28/09, 10:00 am—1:00 pm

To Register, go to“Personal Enrichment & Lifestyle” or, 404-727-6000, Krissy Witt. Tuition: $135 (with Sat. lunch and food samples). To contact the Instructor, email

Ideal for:

  • Anyone curious, overwhelmed or intimidated by an Asian/Chinese grocery store and wants to know how to shop/cook/eat popular products
  • Busy people who would like pointers on how to make quick and/or healthy Asian dishes with creative twists
  • Those who enjoy international culture, history or eating! (This is not a cooking class but resource list, food samples and Saturday lunch are included in tuition.)

See Y’all Soon!

Flier Download: Egg Rolls N’ Sweet Tea Flier (pdf)

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