Heaven Nights: All You Can Eat Every Thursday At Varasano’s Pizzeria

Every Thursday, from 8-11pm, you can show up at Varasano’s, pay a flat fee, and eat until you are stuffed.  The price is thought provokingly low.  For $12.95, us big’ns can eat as much pie as our tummies will hold.  Meanwhile, kids under the age of 12 eat for just $7.95.  These “Heaven Nights,” sound like a good deal.

Servers will walk the floor with a handful of pizzas.  The onus will be on the customer to request the desired slice. Interestingly, Varasano’s will offer up some daily specials.  I have no idea if that means there will be a special pie, some other concoction, or both.

So now that they have opened their patio, I think this sounds like a heck of a way to spend a Thursday evening.

Varasano’s Pizzeria Restaurant Address & Information:
2171 Peachtree Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30309 // P: 404.352.8215 // Varasano’s Pizzeria Website // Varasano’s Pizzeria Menu

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  1. Pingback: Bon Appétit: Pizzas with Arugula-Pistachio Pesto & Roasted-Tomato Sauce | Eat It, Atlanta

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