Greg Best Of Holeman And Finch: One Of America’s Best Mixologists

Greg Best just made Playboy.  Don’t worry folks, Greg doesn’t appear in his skimpies.  No, in this case, Mr. Best was just named one of Playboy’s 10-best mixologists.  A co-owner of my favorite watering hole, Best is a certifiable drink geek!  He’s friendly as hell and awesome at what he does … two things that make him a winner in my book.

Backed by his kick ass McIntosh amps (yeah – I’ve said that before), Best makes a seriously killer cocktail … or two … or three … or … you get the idea.  I can’t tell you how many times he’s whipped something up full of ingredients I’ve never heard of.  If you haven’t been already, go grab yourself some pretty solid food while you punch yourself in the rye.  There’s a decent chance we’ll cross paths … I visit often.

UPDATE: I always wanted to know what it was like to be a Playboy photographer.  Okay, no … not really.  But apparently, I now know one … though I didn’t realize it at the time of this post … that picture of Greg came courtesy of one Broderick Smylie.  The guy, who has a serious case of the smiles, snaps many a good photos.  Check him out via the linky belowy

[Via Savory Exposure]

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