2010 Rathbun’s Cooking Class Drop October 1st: Primed To Sell Out Quick

As I mentioned yesterday, I recently had the pleasure of attending one of the seasonal cooking classes offered up by Kevin Rathbun and his staff over at Rathbun’s.  While we hope to have a full-fledged recap posted in the next couple of days, I thought this was as good a time as any to talk about the classes and give you guys and dolls a heads up on how to secure a spot.  The most important thing to remember is that they go on sale on October 1st.  Last year, I had to call back twice just to get through … so get your redial finger ready.

Coming in at $350/duo (one cook + one guest), these aren’t for the faint of heart.  The deal is that the person doing the cooking shows up at 1:30, is tossed into a group, and then spends the next 3-hours jumping around the Rathbun’s kitchen.  Three-hours later, your guest shows up for apps (which you help serve).  Then, everyone sits down, has a little drink, and dines on a gluttonous dinner.

Without spoiling the post, I will tell you that these are not your traditional “chef talks and chops” type classes.  Rather, these are throw yourselves to the wolves sort of events where by you really get to get in there.  Don’t worry – the staff keeps thing very well organized and you will have one of a bevy of top notch chefs at your disposal for teaching and discussion.

The available classes are as follows:

  • Southwestern Cooking Class: Sunday, January, 18, 2009
  • Greek Cooking Class: Sunday, March 15, 2009
  • East Meets West Cooking Class: Sunday, May 17, 2009
  • BBQ – Grilling & Smoking Cooking Class: Sunday, July 19, 2009
  • Farm to Table Cooking Class: Sunday, September 20, 2009
  • Southern Holiday Cooking Class: Sunday, November 15, 2009

Full details are available on the Rathbun’s Cooking Class Website, but all you have to do to reserve is call 404.524.8280.  I guess the only other mission critical piece of info is that Rathbun’s sends you a gift card that serves as your ticket – DON’T LOSE IT!!!!!!!!

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