Taka Sushi Cafe Restaurant Review – Buckhead, Atlanta, GA [First Impressions]

taka sushi cafe - ooh la la

It’s been several years since Taka Moriuchi packed his knives, left his position as understudy to sushi God Sotohiro Kosugi (aka the dude who ran the much discussed Soto), and settled in as the leader of Taka Sushi Café.

Much like my father, it took me some time before I warmed to the idea of visiting Taka-san in Buckhead.  Even after Soto departed our fare city, something in me caused this undue shackling of obligations.  Mind you, nothing about that decision had anything to do with the kind and approachable Taka.

Time passed and wounds healed, and so began my long inevitable decent into complacency.  Yes, I finally started to drift in and out of this notable Buckhead establishment.  As it happened, 24-months had flown by since my last soirée, well before the young Buddha was born within.  Rather than try and recall experiences buried in the cobwebs someone might call “my brain,” a recent night cap inspired this infant impression.

Nestled in a free-standing box style house, Taka has drawn his line in the sand and taken up fortification as a neighborhood sushi bar.  Somewhat hard to see amongst Buckhead’s version of a BuHi strip center, Taka-san sits quietly going about his business in a Pharr out way.

taka sushi cafe - artsy huh? by foodiebuddha.

Any potential misconceptions as to the intended experience quickly evaporate once one enters the door.  While Taka does not translate as the hyper-excited / über friendly establishment one might find elsewhere, it does give our ritziest residents a taste of approachability.

On any given night, you are likely to find the softly lit bar awash in Buckheadians looking for a different song and dance.  That ambient light provided for some cool artistic shots (in that P&S sort of way), though it didn’t do me any favors with the food.  This easy to swallow attitude spills out into the adjunct porch.  There, in the winter months, the curtains are dropped and the heaters are pumped.

During our engagement, service started early, quickly wallowed, returned for quite sometime, and then died off as the server did his best Houdini.  It’s amazing how many servers fall off the earth when all you want to do is pay.  Still, I don’t know that anything was so off that your basic homo sapiens would object … unless you’re some irrational irate (coughs … looks in the other direction).

Somewhere in the mix, Papa Buddha jettisoned his menu across the table, looked at me and said: “Whatever you want.”  A palpable tension swept across me.  Many men have stepped up to the ordering podium only to drop the ball most disgracefully.  Ah, but this was my family and they would love me just the same.  Invigorated, I pounded my fists, cracked my neck, and bellowed “Damn the torpedoes!”

taka sushi cafe - fried calamari by foodiebuddhaMoments later, a plate of lightly battered calamari hit the table.  Though there were some grunts of approval from those around me, none of us were truly moved in the right direction.  I found the batter a bit too soft and the bites texturally flat.  I would say this dish delivered oversold potential.  Not wrong, not horrible, just flat.

Next down was the blue shrimp tartare.  Blue shrimp, a somewhat off-beat selection, do not have a particular differentiator from their relatives so far as flavors go.  However, their whitish hue is a “different” visual.  This incarnation of tartare was solid with momentary flashes of mmmm.  Layered amongst some avocados and oils, the shrimp offered a nice alternative to taka sushi cafe - blue shrimp tartar by foodiebuddhathe predictable tuna version (also available).  Bites went down smoothly in part because of the slippery when wet nature of shrimp.  However, the crustaceans themselves had just the right resistance, giving each bite a bit more intrigue than an order of Charlie.

The highly anticipated uni ravioli felt like a great idea that just didn’t come together spectacularly.  The pairing of uni and scallops (aka the ravioli) was playful only in name.  It is a combination executed with such spectacular success elsewhere that I’ve almost wanted to squeal like an overjoyed pig.  With Taka, the flavors were comfortably familiar and delivered via fresh samplings.  However, the hint of excitement generated by the taka sushi cafe - cooked toro by foodiebuddhatitle was lost.  What we had was a very good bite of fresh scallop wrapped against equally competent uni.  The creaminess indeed melded with the meatiness.  Nothing amazing, but definitely serviceable.

One of the latecomers was an order of seared toro.  The exterior held that familiar white char, but initial bites were a little too dry.  Persistence has never been a problem with me, and my small effort to engage the interior was well rewarded.  Pieces flaked apart and were wrapped nicely when coated with a little extra yuzu swimming in the bowl.  Yes, these prime bites were silkiness incarnate.

The pinnacle of the meal dropped in unexpectedly with that post-worthy burger.  Put it this way … I wrote a whole pontification on the damn thing … ‘nuff said.

Moving on from the assembled and created expressions, we settled in on a variety of sashimi options.  By this time, we where sharing in the groove, gladly chatting while intertwining our words around bites of various fish productions.  Now it was time to simplify.  Every bite went down without a fuss, but there were no immensely impressive samplings.  Don’t be fooled though, the $170 price tag was more than reasonable considering the amount of food that we ordered, the two glasses of wine, and the overall quality of the grub.  Though we’re playing “first impressions,” I will tell you that I have had exquisite samplings in past visits.

taka sushi cafe - uni ravioli by foodiebuddha.

But living in the here and now (or at least the “just the other day”), presentation was simple and straightforward.  That doesn’t mean that this was sushi by numbers; there are a handful of twists and turns to keep you on your toes.  Taka-san doesn’t play it safe, he just play it simple.  Where he really shines is in the effort put into the preparation of the dishes.  There is a distinct care and love for his craft, and its carried to its logical conclusion by the use of fresh, quality ingredients.  Heck, even his blog is full of Taka love!

There were some true highlights and overall, this is a cuddly warm place that forgoes some of the pomp and circumstance of other establishments.  Taka Sushi Café settles in as one of the better neighborhood sushi bars and satisfies on most every level.  While my inner child still finds solace at Sushi House Hayakawa, Taka is a more than ample substitute considering that it is a good bit closer to those of us that live ITP.

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Atlanta Foodies on Taka

Taka Sushi Cafe Restaurant Address & Information

375 Pharr Rd, Atlanta, GA 30305 // 404.869.2802 // Taka website // Taka menu
Taka Sushi Cafe on Urbanspoon

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  1. Thanks Buddha,
    Been wondering about that place; soubnds like I should stick to MF!
    BTW, I’m passing along the honest award to you, details on Doc’s blog.

  2. If you listen to FB, there is no sushi worth eating outside of Hayakawa. Hell, if you read his blog and plan your meals around his reviews, it’d be surprising if you ended up eating anywhere in Atlanta proper. If you are more prone to experience things for yourself, order what you like, and not what you think your blog readers want to see, you might find that you enjoy Taka.

    I’ve been eating there for the better part of three years, have had Taka serve me omakase style more than a half dozen times, and have never found a bite of what I’ve eaten anything less than enjoyable. Sometimes it’s even sublime.

    1. Ah, thanks for clarifying, for a second there … i thought comments like “Taka Sushi Café settles in as one of the better neighborhood sushi bars and satisfies on most every level.” might be misconstrued as positive!

      1. And the next sentence basically negates any positive comment by saying you’d rather eat your sushi elsewhere (Hayakawa).

        Not implying that Doc doesn’t have the intelligence to form his own opinion, but his reply was the exact thing I hate about the influence food bloggers have over sheeple in the locale that the blogger writes about…in your case ITP Atlanta. While MF’s sushi is worth going out for, the fish is not any better than Taka’s, and the prices are considerably higher.

        When you write about places, your reviews are so full of negativity, that any positive statements are overshadowed. The reader rarely takes away anything other than the general tone of a blog post. Some of these readers are so incapable of thinking for themselves, that they’ll repeat what you write word for word as their own opinion. I know, because I’ve had some of your drivel spewed back at me by friends, acquaintances, and strangers over the course of several conversations. Sometimes when I call them on it, they’ll admit to reading your review, and saying that’s what they’ve heard about the place.
        This isn’t good for the restaurant or the community…

        I’m not saying don’t post negative pieces, it’s your blog, and you’re little piece of the internet. I’d hate for all that negativity to be building up inside of you, who knows what might happen. All I’m saying is that when you continually shit on restaurants, think about who else is reading your blog and the ripple effect of having something archived on the internet. At this point, I discount every word of your blog, but continue to read it for the sheer pleasure of knowing my experiences at some of the same places are the polar opposite of your experience, and your future absence from said establishments means one more seat for me when I want to return.

        That’s all from me on this topic for now…

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