Oysters Are A Vegan Friendly Food

neptune oysters sampler

The vegan lifestyle, and it very much is a lifestyle, is something I only have a cursory knowledge of.  Oysters, on the other hand, are a gourmand’s delight of the highest order.  I’m not only very fond of these little critters of the sea, but I’m knee deep in educating myself as to their nuances and subtleties.

As a dear friend of mine is a vegan, I always keep an eye out for interesting notations on the topic.  Last week, Christopher Cox published just such an article.  Posted on Slate and entitled Consider The Oyster, Cox’s thesis is essentially that consumption of oysters does not violate the Vegan ethos.

It’s an interesting proposition and Cox contends this point not only on scientific merits, but also by appealing to a person’s sense of morality.  Though, I don’t agree with veganism, I’m not anti-vegan.  I am not here to say I agree or disagree with the well linked words that constitute the article (except on the point regarding broccoli – it is evil and will kill your children and stomp on their testicles).

What I am saying is that this is an interesting read.  Well, that and I love oysters and encourage people to explore them in all their glory.  Since oyster farms are, by and large, eco friendly and since oysters themselves can help to improve the quality of the water we drink, you know have a few more reasons to check out the bivalves of goodness.

Love ya MP!

[via slate.com]

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1 Comment

  1. How much money did the US government pay you to write this trash? Seafood is animal flesh and has nothing to do with vegan. Corpse munchers! The US government is spreading lies about how safe Gulf seafood is – if you believe that can I sell you some swamp land?

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