Roaming Hunger Tracks Street Food In Atlanta: Helps To Satisfy Your Mobile Cravings


Hey gang, I just wanted to let you know that you’re going to start seeing that cool little logo a bit more ‘round these parts., the first nationwide food cart/truck tracker, has just landed in Atlanta.  We’ve joined forces to help y’all stay on top of all things street food as they happen here in the Dirty South.

Roaming Hunger launched in 2009 in an attempt to help people all over the country track down their favorite mobile craving.  Since then, the site has been featured all over the internet (Fox News, SF Weekly, Fast Company, GrubStreet, etc…).  Most recently, they were one of the media sponsors for the Los Angeles Street Food Fest (website) followed by an excursion with Andrew Zimmern of the Travel Channel.  You should definitely check out the Zimmern recap, he was there filming a segment for Appetite For Life.

As for the site itself, it’s a great resource!  The site gives you the twitter stream, maps, menus, pictures, and social media links for any vendor listed on the site.  We’ve already added the King of Pops and surprise surprise … he has a like! (Guess who?).

An Atlanta section is in the works, so in the meantime, you should definitely check out the blog and like us on facebook!!!!  In fact, I’m sure I’ll pop up from time to time on the RH blog, so definitely mark that down (cuz you don’t get enough of me … right?).  Before I forget, you should definitely follow @RoamingATL on twitter where I’ll be dropping lots of good street food news.  It’s separate from the Foodie Buddha twitter feed, so even if you follow me there, adding RoamingATL isn’t a bad idea!

As two of Atlanta’s cutest bloggers would say: this is kind of a big deal!

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