Changes To CL’s Grazing + Cliff’s 10 Atlanta Favs

la pietra cucina - calamari

Changes are a brewing at The Loaf.  For the past 24-years, food writer Cliff Bostock has written a weekly column for the paper/blog entitled Grazing.  A little while back, Bostock mentioned that Grazing was transitioning to a monthly project.  Today, Bostock’s last weekly grazing article went live.

It’s a recap of Cliff’s 10 favorite spots in Atlanta.  Of which, he says:

This is not a "best of" list. All but one of these are inexpensive-to-moderate restaurants that are mainly convenient to my home in Grant Park. So don’t berate me because they’re not the best in town. These are not rated in any particular order except for No. 1.

Anyone who reads Cliff’s posts knows that Bruce Logue’s La Pietra Cucina serves up Cliff’s favorite grub in town.  I love that stuff myself – witness that bad boy calamari pictured above.

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