Make Your McRib Fancy

image courtesy of McDonald’s decision to bring back the McRib has absolutely inundated food news over the past few days.  Even mainstream media lamed things up with their coverage and there has been a … Read more →

Legos + McDonald’s: Every Thing Tastes Better In Plastic

I’ve expressed my love for LEGOS before.  I’ve also made no bones about my appreciation for rapidly prepared and delivered morsels of cow parts, pig parts, and “other” parts [See: fast food].  So now we … Read more →

Mac Sauce Is Free: Hello Ghetto Big Mac! [Laugh Of The Day]

As I head off to the gym and then another day of glorious football, I couldn’t help but mention this little jewel.  A recent twitter chat reminded me how few people realize that Mac sauce … Read more →

Latressa Goodman And Her McNuggets: The 911 Fast Food Emergency

I’m pissed that I had a lot of work to do the past couple of days.  I wanted to write this post as soon as this story hit the Smoking Gun; unfortunately, I did not … Read more →

Things That Make You Go … Hmmm??? The McNuggetini

Let’s be quick. After sitting up on the net for close to a year… this post has darned blowed ups! It’s about a McDonald’s chocolate milkshake with vanilla vodka, rimmed with BBQ sauce and garnished … Read more →