Matty Cakes Bakery In Morningside: Atlanta Sub & Sandwich Tour #2

I’ll start this off with a little reminder to check out the rules page before you proceed!  Remember, this is just about those two pieces of bread and what’s in between!


For today’s review, let us chat up Matty Cakes Bakery, the Morningside bakery that offers up a small selection of freshly constructed sandwiches.  Like yesterday, I was lucky enough to have some help for this one.  Similar to my experience with Adam, Madam M. and I had very similar opinions about the food we sampled.

Sandwich One: The Veggie

Ingredients: hummus, avocado spread, roasted peppers, caramelized onions, goat cheese, portabella mushrooms, & sun dried tomatoes.

As I peeled away the sandwich paper, I immediately recognized one undeniable fact: this was going to be messy. I cannot say that I was surprised; the gentleman who prepared the sandwich double wrapped the goods and provided ample warning.

The wheat bread, which was visually appealing, had a soft, tan color that screamed freshness. On the contrary, the vegetable medley, when combined with the various spreads, was fairly unattractive. Despite this, I was undeterred and promptly dove right in.

Immediately, the bread began to crumble. While I enjoyed the flavor of the wheat, these slices were destined for failure. A baguette would have been a better choice. Unfortunately, our options were limited to just white or wheat. Tisk tisk!

The intrigue of the first few bites quickly dissipated. There was just too much going on with this sandwich. I think the choice to include two spreads was ill advised. I took the time to pick apart the mixture and taste everything individually. The portabella mushroom was inedible; the amount of salt was beyond excessive.  Meanwhile, the avocado spread hinted at being post dated. I do not think this is a result of being spoiled; rather, the vendor that Matty Cakes purchases from supplies a pretty lame spread. The rest of the ingredients were neither particularly outstanding nor individually offensive.

As you might have guessed, I will forgo this option in the future. While there were some problems with the individual ingredients, the mixture of flavors was the real culprit.

Sandwich Two:  The Turkey Club

Ingredients: turkey, swiss, bacon, lettuce, tomato, honey mustard, & mayonnaise.

True to form, one of our selections was recommended to us by a staff member. The ingredients for the turkey club are less adventurous than those utilized on the other menu items. Notwithstanding that fact, this sandwich was much more visually appealing than our veggie.  Granted, it is your basic edition.

As with the veggie, the bread was the best part. Unlike the mush pie I had just finished, the ingredients here worked well together. The turkey was fresh and had a hardy flavor. Keep in mind that’s a statement of relativity.

The slice of Swiss cheese sat quietly in the middle of the sandwich. It was a blind cheese (a.k.a. had no holes); more often than not, blind cheeses lack good flavor. True to form, this example was pretty bland. While I won’t be so harsh as to call it bad, I would probably say it was “fine.” In this case, let’s just translate that as good.

Neither Madam M. nor I were particularly impressed with the condiments. Neither of them was homemade and we both thought that the sandwich dude got a little trigger happy with the squirt bottle.

Conclusions & Notes

I am really happy that Matty Cakes serves in-store baked bread; but, for a place that touts their breads (they’re listed ahead of the pastries on the menu tag line), I was disappointed by the aforementioned lack of selection.  I feel like Matty Cakes offers these things up to try and snag a little extra business and not because anyone there has a true passion for them.

The value add here is non-existent.  A further review of the menu leads me to believe that they are kind of out of their element with these.  I’m not sure if the balance of flavor was ever really considered during the development of the sandwich menu.

Given the abundance of alternatives within a short drive, I would not return here just for a sandwich.  If you happen to be in the store for other reasons and you are particularly hungry … well then sure why not.

Proteins: [rating:1]
Overall: 1.0

Matty Cakes Bakery Address & Information:
1830 Piedmont Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30324 // P: 404.917.2253 // Matty Cakes Website // Matty Cakes Sandwich Menu
Matty Cakes on Urbanspoon

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