Sukiyabashi Jiro Gets Instagramed Hip-Hop Style

The opportunity for me to eat at Sukiyabashi Jiro, the 3-star Michelin subway port in Tokyo, before Jiro Ono departs is looking highly unlikely at this juncture.  So I must rely on others for any semblance of sushi satiation.  With some luck, maybe Jimmy will get there in a few months and I’ll get a …

Grow! Trailer [Food Films]

I like movies, so much so that I call them films.  I’ve made a few (college shorts here people – not Citizen Kane), helped out on a few (Luke Skywalker did leave his pants in my car once), and watched more than my share (I think Best In Show is on an endless loop).  But …

El Bulli: Cooking in Progress [Documentaries]

Ferran Adrià is a culinary god.  El Bulli is his muse. El Bulli: Cooking in Progress is a newish documentary that attempts to surmise in film what so many have praised as the best culinary experience of their life.  Specifically, the film condenses a year (‘08-09) in the life of Adriá, his team, and the …

Documentary On Baristas In The Works? [Film]

Y’all remember that post on the South East Barista Competition … right?  To catch you up if you didn’t: * Barista is that fancy name for the person who makes your coffee (or tea) * The one’s at Octane Coffee kick ass * There’s this competition every year, and last year, Octane kicked ass and …

Mexican Hot Dogs & More On Sunday Morning Food Special

On most any given Sunday, you’ll find me somewhere other than in front of my TV (usually in bed or at brunch).  However, a few weeks ago, I was told that CBS’ Sunday morning news program, aptly named Sunday Morning, aired their annual Food Issue.  Though I can count on one hand the number of …

Win Free Copies Of Food, Inc. And Fast Food Nation [Buddhaway]

Alright ladies and germs… it’s time for another little thank you.  This one comes courtesy of the peeps at Magnolia Pictures)!  On the heels of the release of the Food Inc documentary, I’ve scored five copies each of both Food Inc. by Karl Weber (otherwise known as Food Inc.: A Participant Guide: How Industrial Food …

Food, Inc. Hits The Dirty South [Film]

Riding the craze that “mass produced food is by default … evil,” a new film has gotten the attention of movie buffs and foodies alike.  Knee deep in both camps, I’ve been following this film for some time.  The main premise of Food, Inc. is that chemically modified food can (and does) do serious damage …


Okay my fellow foodies, this should be good.  Sirio Maccioni, the famed restaurateur and author, founded Le Cirque in 1974.  If you have not heard of this restaurant, just poke around on the net for a little bit.  You’ll have plenty to read and to watch.  Regardless, A Table In Heaven, from producer/director Andrew Rossi, …