Andrew Zimmern Just Did An IAmA On Reddit

Celebrity chef/TV personality Andrew Zimmern just wrapped up his IAmA over on Reddit.  For those of you with better things to do than yours truly, you may not know what that means.  Here’s the deal: is a heavily trafficked website mostly reserved for sharing videos, pictures, internet memes, and so forth.  The community occasionally …

Moto’s Homaro Cantu & Ben Roche Talk Sustainable Food Science

When discussions of deconstructed food and molecular gastronomy occur, rarely do concepts like sustainability come to mind.  People (like me), who eat food from the admittedly quirky chefs that make these whacky concoctions, are almost always focused on the hedonistic experience of this type of consumption.  This is obviously not lost on Homaro Cantu and …

Snack To The Future: A Tumblr You Should Follow

Ladies and gentlefolks, foodies of all ages, I share with you some work from Snack To The Future:     If the samples above haven’t led on – the designer behind S2TF takes movie posters and gives them a good working over with some foodie love.  It’s not updated frequently, but when it is … it’s …

Make Your McRib Fancy

image courtesy of McDonald’s decision to bring back the McRib has absolutely inundated food news over the past few days.  Even mainstream media lamed things up with their coverage and there has been a surge of new “make your own McRib” posts going up.  So why did I jump on the band wagon? B/c …

Restaurant Websites: When the Carpet Doesn’t Match The Drapes

I was recently poking around the web when, for no reason in particular, I ended up on the website for Elmyr, a Tex-Mex cantina in Little Five Points.  Even if you’ve never set foot inside of Elmyr, its address in Atlanta’s definitive alternative neighborhood should tell you something.  For those a bit less traveled, L5P …

An Open Letter To Buckhead’s 10 Degrees South

Dear 10 Degrees South, As a highly-trained and well-versed internet technologist, I take great interest in any restaurant’s web presence.  Though it is an oft abused topic – great website development, as with any skilled form of labor, is in short order.  As many will lament, the restaurant and food industry is a wasteland of … Track Your Favorite Food Trucks Online [Websites]

Now this is one hell of a great idea! is a site dedicated to those lovely little food trucks we’ve heard so much about. While these little wandering snack shacks are noticeably absent from Atlanta’s dining scene (since the demise of Via Elisa), this is a great site for the foodie on you. [sic … Gobbles Up Adam Sah From Google

It’s been roughly a year since I last mentioned  In that time, the site has grown the point where it is now capable of making headlines beyond our little food community.  The site, which is tagged as an online specialty shop for food, just made a big splash by hiring Adam Sah.  The name …

Coffee Creations: Leonardo Da Vinci Meets Espresso

Time is short today, so my first impression post on Miller Union will have to wait until tomorrow.  In the meantime, check out this cool image. That little artistic gem comes courtesy of the Coffee Creations website.  As you’ll see, its a website featuring the art of someone named Karen.  What’s particularly interesting is that …

Hulu’s Food & Leisure Channel: A Foodies Worst Nightmare

Yesterday, I mentioned how online media portal added Martin Yan’s Hong Kong to their repertoire.  Today, I figured that I might as well expand on that post just a bit.  If you don’t spend a lot of time on the computer, and/or don’t try and stay plugged in to the “what’s happening at an …